Pre-/post-processing common macro


  Postprocessing macro

  Macro: {eq:value1=<value1>;value2=<value2>}
  Requires: gui package

  This will be replaced with 1 if <value1> is equal to <value2>.

{eq:value1=5;value2=5} # will be replaced with 1
{eq:value1=5;value2=7} # will be replaced with 0

  Macro: {neq:value1=<value1>;value2=<value2>}
  Requires: gui package

  This will be replaced with 1 if <value1> is not equal to <value2>.

{neq:value1=5;value2=5} # will be replaced with 0
{neq:value1=5;value2=7} # will be replaced with 1

  Macro: {gt:value1=<value1>;value2=<value2>}
  Requires: gui package

  This will be replaced with 1 if <value1> is greater than <value2>.

{gt:value1=7;value2=5} # will be replaced with 1
{gt:value1=5;value2=7} # will be replaced with 0

  Macro: {lt:value1=<value1>;value2=<value2>}
  Requires: gui package

  This will be replaced with 1 if <value1> is lesser than <value2>.

{lt:value1=7;value2=5} # will be replaced with 0
{lt:value1=5;value2=7} # will be replaced with 1

  Macro: {gte:value1=<value1>;value2=<value2>}
  Requires: gui package

  This will be replaced with 1 if <value1> is greater or equal than <value2>.

{gte:value1=7;value2=7} # will be replaced with 1
{gte:value1=7;value2=5} # will be replaced with 1
{gte:value1=5;value2=7} # will be replaced with 0

  Macro: {lte:value1=<value1>;value2=<value2>}
  Requires: gui package

  This will be replaced with 1 if <value1> is lesser or equal than <value2>.

{lte:value1=5;value2=7} # will be replaced with 1
{lte:value1=7;value2=7} # will be replaced with 1
{lte:value1=7;value2=5} # will be replaced with 0

  Macro: {if:condition=<condition>;result1=<result1>;result2=<result2>}
  Requires: gui package

  This will be replaced with <reault1> if <condition> is not equal to 0, and it will be replaced with <result2> if it is equal to 0.

{if:condition=1;result1=ok;result2=err} # will be replaced with ok
{if:condition=0;result1=ok;result2=err} # will be replaced with err

  Macro: {nbsp:<content>}
  Requires: gui package

  This will be replaced with <content> with &nbsp instead of spaces.

{nbsp:1 2 3} # will be replaced with 1&nbsp;2&nbsp;3

  Macro: {strlen:<content>}
  Requires: gui package

  This will be replaced with length of the <content>.

{strlen:01234} # will be replaced with 5
{strlen:   } # will be replaced with 3
{strlen:} # will be replaced with 0

  Macro: {settings:package_name=<package_name>;package_version=<package_version>;file_name=<file_name>;settings_name=<settings_name>;default_value=<default_value>}
  Requires: settings::settings_view package

  This will be replaced with the settings from the specified config of the specified package.

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